Red Team vs. Blue Team: The Cybersecurity Battle Behind the Scenes

In the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity, organisations must constantly keep improving their defenses to stay ahead of potential threats. One of the most effective ways to ensure this is by simulating attacks and defences through what’s known as Red Team and Blue Team exercises. These exercises recreate real world scenario of attack and defence in a controlled environment to test and improve an organisation's defences. In this article we will be looking at what fundamentally Red and Blue Teams are, how they function and how do they contribute to a stronger security posture? Red Team: The Attackers The Red Team basically consists of ethical hackers and pentesters. Their sole purpose is to think and act like cyber criminals. The goal of the Red Team is not just to break into the system but to do so in ways that a genuine attacker might, exposing weaknesses that could be exploited. Responsibilities: Red team's identify vulnerabilities within an organ...